Pacific Vector

Three Cybersecurity Predictions for 2022

For years, internet and data security have been major concerns for businesses, with good reason!

More and more businesses are becoming the target of cybercrime, and the trend isn’t likely to go away anytime soon—as new tools and defense mechanisms emerge, crime keeps pace.

That means that staying on top of what might occur in the coming months and years is the only surefire way of implementing the preventative measures that can keep you secure.

With that in mind, we’re here today to offer our three cybersecurity predictions for 2022.

Let’s get started.

#1: Security as an All-Encompassing Mindset

Trends seem to indicate that remote work is here to stay, and while it might be convenient and flexible for both businesses and employees alike, it comes with its own share of security concerns.

While businesses were once able to secure their operations and control their IT environment at every level, remote work means that there is no more first or last line of defense—every connection and every device is a target.

This means that security is no longer something you can set and forget. Proper security practices need to be considered at every stage of a project’s development and at every level of the organization.

Understanding your core vulnerabilities and addressing them on an ongoing, organic basis is going to be key to your success in the years to come.

#2: The Threat of Mobile Malware

When people think about cybersecurity concerns, they often consider threats to a traditional desktop computing environment.

However, mobile usage is consistently on the rise, and the devices often contain just as much sensitive information as a desktop computer, including banking information, sensitive files and emails, and more.

If your business is going to be allowing teams to use their own devices for work purposes, it’s going to be important to secure them effectively and ensure that your applications and systems are just as resilient as they are on an office computer.

#3: Targeted Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware is on the rise, a trend that isn’t likely to reverse course.

Moreover, history has shown us that ransomware attacks can greatly influence stock prices, public perception and the brand value of affected companies. This means that when correctly timed and executed to coincide with major events, such as earnings announcements, ransomware attacks could be devastating.

Understanding your company’s vulnerable periods will go a long way towards giving you an idea of when threats are more likely to emerge.

Cybersecurity is on the minds of all businesses today, thanks in large part to the implications of a decentralized workforce.

With this guide giving you an idea of what new trends you might expect to experience in the months and years to come, you’ll be better prepared to shore up your security and prepare for the worst.

Most importantly, remember that security isn’t something that you do once—it’s an ongoing process that constantly needs to be monitored and improved upon to deliver the results that you expect.

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